Trickery: a panoramic view about investigations on the theme
ação moral, juízo moral, julgamento moral, transgressão, trapaçaAbstract
Perceiving the ethical crisis regarding collective life values that has been in place in our everyday life, the interest in studying the theme of moral action arises. According to Cortella and La Taille (2005/2009) there has been in human actions the predominance of distrust and insensitivity towards one another, which affirms the decrease of the capacity of collective life that we have been going through as a society. Therefore, we sought to carry out a study of the literature on the subject so that we could try to comprehend this thematic through the study of trickery. We gathered in this review works found by searches done in the following databases: BVS-psic, Portal de Periódicos CAPES, Google Scholar, PsycInfo, Lilacs and Scielo. At the end of our study, we realized that there are several methodological barriers concerning the study of trickery, given that we need the factors to be amplified when analyzed to comprehend this subject. After all, we noticed that in this area there is a great variety of methods for discussing moral action, as well as a diversity of concepts and hypotheses derived by them
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